Why test your sperm at-home?
Our Semen Analysis Overview: In nearly 50% of infertility cases, men play a significant role. A semen analysis evaluates sperm count (concentration), motility, morphology, and other parameters crucial for conception. The presence of motile sperm is vital for natural pregnancy, as they need to swim to the egg. Our Home Sperm Test examines your motile sperm concentration and sperm quality (Our Score), comparing them to established standards and other fathers' data. Additionally, you'll receive a video recording of your sample, providing visual confirmation alongside your test results. Here's a breakdown of each result and reference ranges:
Result #1: MOTILE SPERM CONCENTRATION We assess if your motile sperm concentration (MSC) falls within the "normal range" of six million motile sperm per milliliter, crucial for successful conception.
Result #2: OUR SCORE Our Score ranks your MSC compared to other fathers, offering insights into your fertility status and enabling you to monitor changes over time.
Result #3: SPERM VIDEO You'll receive a recorded video of your sample, providing clarity and complementing your MSC and Our Score results. Share it with experts, family, or keep it private within the app for personal review.
iPhone | IOS 11 and Above, Android | Android 6 and Above
Note: Not currently compatible with Google Pixel devices running Android 13
Notes: Not for Post Vasectomy Testing. Smart Device Not Included